Creating Informative SEO Health Articles in Advertising


What to Advertise in SEO Articles

Although keyword selection is vital to your high rankings on search engines, useful information is perhaps the most important key to SEO success. The construction of SEO articles about health-related topics must provide reliable and responsible information for readers.

Do not advertise your business, services or exhibit self-promotion. However, provide your readers with fresh and important topics that connect to your company, products or services. For instance, if your website provides products that are useful for diabetics, inform readers on useful subjects that can assist them in the management of this disease. Helpful articles may be on topics such as:

  • Product reviews on different glucometers
  • Latest information on diabetic neuropathy
  • Children and diabetes
  • Foot and skin care for diabetics
  • Possible side-effects of new diabetic medications

Choose Interesting Headlines that Deliver Sound Information

You want to grab your readers’ attention; however, you must also provide the information that the headline promises. For example, the title Living with Crohn’s Disease may be too broad and could not possibly cover all the issues of this devastating disease. Narrowing your topic may be more useful to your readers such as:

  • What is a therapeutic diet for Crohn’s Disease?
  • Lower your fiber content during a flare-up of Crohn’s
  • What is the difference between colitis and Crohn’s disease?

Selecting Keywords with Google Keyword Planner

Google provides an excellent tool for searching for the right keywords for SEO articles. By inserting a word or phrase, you can actually see what health information that people are searching for on a daily or monthly basis. The Keyword Planner helps keep your informational articles fresh and current.

Organic Insertion of Keywords

Your keywords should be both SEO friendly, connected to the information and beneficial to your product or service promotion. Keywords that are used to create attention and not deliver on information may increase your traffic, but you may lose your readers’ trust in the long run. Ensure that you write SEO articles for readers and not for high rankings or search engines.

In addition, ensure that your carefully selected keywords are seamlessly inserted into your articles and do not detract from your purpose to inform. Awkward phrases or misused capital letters can take away the credibility from your information and ultimately your business. Organic insertion provides your potential clients with a smooth read, keeps them engaged and offers information they can trust. An example of a seamless keyword insertion for an advertisement for a chiropractor’s practice may be such as:

As acute back pain may take months to resolve with conventional medical interventions, chiropractors use their skilled hands to provide gentle, manual adjustments that realign the natural structures of the spine and body.

Fresh, Original and Engaging

Ensure your copy is original and not copied or pasted from other sites or articles. When employing a freelance writer, demand that all content passes Copyscape or other sentinel sites. Provide your readers with engaging and helpful information that links back to your website or business services is key to promoting successful SEO articles.

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