Vehicle Advertising is a Great Investment
Every where you look someone has an ad on something. From the tiniest pencil to the biggest billboard, if it can be printed on it can be advertised on. Companies are being more cautious where they are spending their advertising dollars. They can not afford to waste their money on something that does not work. Vehicle advertising works. For the small company to the large corporation, this type of ad campaign gets noticed.
Vehicle advertising can be as simple as a magnetic sign on the door or tailgate. It can be as big as the entire vehicle. This is vehicle wrapping. Probably one of the most expensive campaigns when discussing vehicle advertising, but definitely the one which will get the most exposure.
Studies have been done and data collected to determine just how good vehicle advertising was. It is amazing to realize that almost every American is in a vehicle every week. Whether they are the driver or passenger, they are in the car. For the advertiser, that is a lot of people.
It is estimated to cost between $2,000 and $4,000 to do a complete vehicle advertising wrap. The benefits are that it will last for about three years. This amounts to a great deal of exposure for the money. One study concluded that if a company were to invest $20,000 for vehicle advertising, approximately 8.4 million people would see the vehicles over a 12 month period. They did some comparing to what an advertising dollar would buy.
The same money would buy 10 spots on the radio. This would attract about 900,000 people. Not everyone listens to that radio station. So the next avenue would be joint campaigns like Value Pak. This form of advertising reaches approximately 600,000 people. The same amount of exposure you would get if you were to advertise on 7 city transport buses for two months. To get only 100,000 more customers to see your ad campaign you could rent a billboard. Dollar for dollar it only makes sense to invest in vehicle advertising campaigns.
The vehicle wraps are not the glaring, in your face, type vehicle adverting you would think. The wraps are tastefully designed. It is something anyone would drive. They can be done on any make or model of vehicle, as well. For some reason, many companies have grown fond of the Volkswagon for this type of advertising program.
Vehicle advertising can be used by large or small companies. Many new ad campaigns are being started by smaller restaurants and businesses. Pizza shops and pet shops are using this type of advertising to let people know about their business. National companies like Nike and Coca Cola are also using vehicle advertising. They have found the response from the public is beneficial to the business. People are actually taking the time to look at the vehicles and read what is on them. Jet Blue used this form of advertising to let people know about one of the new routes. There was an estimated 6.75 million views of the vehicle in one month.
With the exposure one vehicle can produce with a vehicle advertising campaign, you may want to think of where your advertising dollars are going. With this campaign thousands can view your ad every day. You know your message is being delivered.