13/01/2025 12:49 AM


Marketing Needs Experts

Checklist-choosing a domain name

Brand Protection Checklist — DIY Trademarks New Zealand

Even if you don’t desire a web-based business, it may be a good idea to keep an eye on the internet while starting a business. The Internet has the ability to reach more consumers than any other media, making it the finest place to market your good or service. Your company’s online identity and visibility are crucial when your operation is entirely online. In either case, it’s crucial to start building your company website as soon as you file for incorporation.

In fact, even if your business is not based online, it may be a good idea to start with an internet perspective. The World Wide Web has the potential to reach more consumers than any other media and can be the perfect advertising platform for your goods or services. When your business is fully online, your brand’s online presence and establishment is very important. The following recommendations can help you choose a domain name with your online presence in mind.

1. Choose the right domain extension

I almost always use the COM TLD because it is the best and most widely used domain extension in the world. Let’s say you have a blog and merely told your pals the name of your blog (without the domain extension). They will undoubtedly add COM to your blog’s name and write it down to visit it. Given that COM is the most popular and commonly used domain extension, this is the most typical situation.

The COM TLD might not always produce delicious fruits, though. If your company, blog, etc. is specialised, choose that particular domain extension. For instance, the greatest TLD for organisations is ORG, the best for network-based sites is.NET, and the best for personal websites is ME (which is the TLD for the country of Montenegro).

2. Domain length

Another crucial element is the length of the domain. The fewer letters in your domain name, the more valuable it is. Fewer character domain names are in high demand since they are simple to remember and catch on like wildfire.

Keep the number of characters in your domain between 10 and 12. The majority of popular websites, like Google.com, Facebook.com, Yahoo.com, Youtube.com, Twitter.com, etc., have less than 10 characters.

There are just three one-letter domain names, all of which were gratefully acquired prior to the new rules. Z.com, one of them, is among the top 10 most valuable domain names ever sold, fetching $6.8 million in 2014. The primary selling feature of it is that very short domain name. 

3. Perfect for business themes

It is better if your domain name matches the theme of your website. It would be crazy to register the Deliciousfish.com domain name and use it for a clothing store. So don’t let your visitors think you’re a madman. Be relevant and logical.

4. Domain name contains hyphens and numbers

Instead of looking for a new name to register a domain under when we notice our preferred domain name is already taken, we typically add numerals or hyphens. To a certain extent, using digits in the domain name is acceptable, but they must be used strategically. For instance, 99homes.com and taxi247.com are acceptable, but 829homes.com and taxi333.com are not.

Regarding hyphens, I strongly advise against using one in the domain name. The domain name becomes more difficult to remember and intricate. 

5. Easy to pronounce

It is preferable to select a domain that will be easy to say when pronouncing. If your domain name is difficult to say, no one will bother to try to remember it.

For instance, the domain name kohlambns.com is unsuitable.


With this we hope that you have understood the ground rules to keep in mind after domain registration while thinking of a domain name. If you have any queries or questions, please share the same in the comments section below.